Stranded Pakistanis

02 Dec, 2005

The stranded Pakistanis would never forget the goodwill and concern shown by the Pakistani media particularly the generosity of those journalists who visited the camps of unfortunate stranded people and your sympathy, concern and bold steps have added emphasis to the issue.
All the stranded Pakistanis highly appreciate and thank from the core of their heart these journalists. Your powerful writings and hearty response have given a new life to the issue almost half dead.
All the short-sighted rulers of the past and present have always shown insensibility and partisanship. Any how, better late than never.
We highly value and respect your sensibility. It was through your special concern that Senator Babar Khan Ghouri has shown mercy towards us. We once again thank you and your colleagues. Please remember us through the pages of your newspaper off and on, God will bless you for that.
Zuberi Sir, there is nobody to take care of us. We are living like a 'cartoon' among 140 million Bengalis. By God we are living at the mercy of our enemy. We didn't have the opportunity to talk to you in detail.
God is a witness that for a self-respecting person this is no life at all rather it is like living in the deepest part of the hell. Please help us to get out of here as soon as possible.
Pervez Musharraf has prevailed upon the nation and got accepted his uniform. Presidentship, LFO, and decisions about Kashmir at his will. The nation had to swallow these bitter droughts.
Then why there is so much unending talks and perks of lies about us. We have no material thing to offer, there is only a broken heart and love for homeland in it, all other has already been looted.
It is only because of your closeness to our hearts that we stand at the door of your kindness. In view of your larger heartedness and good nature we along with our powerlessness and forsakenness extend our begging hands. Indeed you will hold there hand. May God bless you.

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