8,000 buses to be inducted in Karachi in 5 years

02 Dec, 2005

The government is planning to finalise in next three months the study for induction of 8,000 large size buses in Karachi during the next five years.
To achieve the objective of 1600 buses in the current year, the consultant has been tasked to complete the study in three months to utilise the funds earmarked in this fiscal year, officials told Business Recorder on Wednesday.
The federal government has set aside Rs 500 million, out of total funding of Rs 5 billion in Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) of this year.
The efforts, geared up in this regard are also aimed to save the Rs 500 million lapsed funds of the current fiscal year. An Australian expert has been hired by Engineering Associates, which was given this task by the government to undertake the study to assess the requirements for better planning of this project.
The project of induction of 8000 large size environment-friendly buses is part of the government's policy to change the transport culture of the biggest city of the country, where traffic problem has become chronic.
Official circles opined that carrying out the study before the launch of the project is of great importance to ascertain the feasibility of the project following the unsuccessful experience of Urban Transport Scheme (UTS).
Officials said that in the light of recommendations, to be put forward by the consultants, the work on the buses project would be implemented. "The study will also analyse the reasons for the hindrances in the way of new transport culture, which has been a long-cherished dream of the citizens of metropolis", officials said.

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