Punjab launches new plan in agriculture sector

04 Dec, 2005

The Punjab government has launched a new strategy 'Self-help and help Pakistan' in agricultural sector, which will not only save irrigation water for 1.5 million acres land, but would also provide opportunities of livelihood and employment to more than 0.1 million rural people and would also help develop rural areas and reduce poverty.
Under this project, thousands of watercourses would be lined and constructed throughout the country under the on-going 'National Programme for Improvement of Water-Courses' at a cost of Rs 66 billion.
Punjab Secretary Agriculture Fayyaz Bashir said that under this strategy the government would provide material for construction and lining of the obsolete watercourses, while farmers would be provided labour and manpower under self-help and help Pakistan.
He said that of the total cost of Rs 66 billion, Rs .28 billion were being spent in Punjab.
Furthermore, 5,000 watercourses would be lined in Punjab this year.

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