Control eating to be healthy and live longer

05 Dec, 2005

Excess in food taking sometimes leads to vomiting, a sign that you had gone beyond hunger, a call you have to heed properly. Under the circumstances you will have to rest a while at the cost of some urgent work. That's sign of a certain overeating and should at all costs be avoided.
The rich food is a lust of all human beings, but some, if they could be called fortunate must learn whether they only want a lustful eating or a restful day. A little bit of discomfort must be dreaded as it had taken away one, two days or years from your life. Rich food is not God gifted. But man and woman make the simple food rich by applying variety of "masalas."
God is thanked for showering money on some, and for bestowing upon its "Bande" things like cuminseed, white and black pepper, cinnamon leaves, cardamom (big and small), cloves, dry ginger etc but these make food rich and tasty, an extra dose is utterly harmful to health.
The elders and people themselves avoided over dozes, the young one don't ever listen to them. Some hints given about, including the one to stop eating simple or rich food before you feel it is time to wash hand. Cholesterol is the stuff most dreaded, but not by everyone. Heart ailments, fat, unnecessary bulge, weariness are all self-invited ill effects on health. And they are strain on middle class housewives domestic budget which is a rogue and headache.
A modest food prepared by housewives is always appreciated as they are healthful. Only few people are careful who adhere to modest food but by and large people go full speed and complain and take some handy patent prescribed pills to get relief. But the complaint should be hurriedly heeded as that necessarily means wrong to health has already been done.
The longevity has been hit and quietly suffered. Had the longevity a tongue it would have loudly protested. So, beware, rich food addicts. God alone knows what's the fact behind beginning of cricket and Lords cricket ground. It is however comes from credible people that big shots were harassed by rich food and created the ground and play cricket so that they could keep themselves active and fit.
Indo-Pak history says Moghal Kings and high ups were found of Chagan Bazi (Polo) for not only as pass time but for keeping themselves trimmed and fit for wars. But over and above such players had hardly any stomach problem or complain of depression or like things.
In Pakistan today cricket, football, tennis, judo karate, malakhra and host of modern and primitive games are in practice, not for money or mere pastime but more so far keeping health and longevity. So readers you are certainly master of your destiny, you can have hour priorities, but it is suggested your top priority should be health which ensures wealth for you and the longevity.
And mind readers, last but not the least, is hearty laugh, never ending hearty laugh, a sure shot for longevity, besides scores of other factors leading to longer life.

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