Donors conference

06 Dec, 2005

To the delight of the people and government of Pakistan, the representatives of the participating states from all over the world, led by the UN Secretary General, spontaneously pledged generous donations and assistance in the gigantic task of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of survivors from the worst earthquake in Pakistan.
It destroyed their homes, killed and maimed their kith and kin. It is all the more heartening to note the amount of goodwill, commitment and sympathy that flowed together with material aid from small cash strapped countries like Afghanistan and Bhutan to the economic giants like USA, China, EEC, Canada and Japan to name a few.
Unfortunately, the role of the opposition political parties on the eve and after the conference as expected, has been insolently negative, disregarding the fact that the dignitaries from East and West, North and South came to the door step of Pakistan to share their grief and cost of rebuilding.
It was not Pakistan going round the world with a begging bowl as was practiced in the 90's.

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