Death sentence

06 Dec, 2005

Death sentence is becoming a buzz-word nowadays. Six members of a family were hanged to death for killing three persons over dispute on November 30. Even three times deferment of sentences could not keep them safe. Recently the Anti-Terrorism Court rejected an appeal filed by two on death row.
It is the first time in the history of Pakistan that capital punishment, especially death sentences, was executed in letter and spirit. The government adopts a timely modus operandi to rein in heinous crimes if it continues unabatedly.
By this way justice on just time would be delivered and not be revolved along with the vicious circle of hearings.
Yet, I fear what guarantees the security of innocent mistakenly trapped in legislation clutches that often is suspected for its backlogs.
Would these be removed once, no wonder crime rates would be dwindled. And no miscreants in panic of strict punishment date to commit inhumane crimes.

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