The city district government Zila Nazim Hyderabad Kanwar Naveed Jamil has called upon the organisation working for the elimination of child labour to establish child welfare and learning institutions specially of the backward areas of the district and assure that district government Hyderabad would not only encourage them by providing necessary help but also to adopt the same institutions through Citizen Community Board scheme.
This he observed while addressing inaugural ceremony of a seminar on "elimination of worst forms of child labour from the glass bangle industry in district Hyderabad" this noon in a local hotel on Monday.
Lauding the efforts of NRSP and ILO for eradicating the menace of child labour from the society, The Zila Nazim said that district government Hyderabad was also implementing over the scheme of elimination of child labour under which four schools and learning centres were being run through District Baitul Mall in the district where street children were not only being educated with free of cost but rupees 10 on per day attendance and Rs 300 per month were being given to students and their parents respectively as incentives.
He said that in addition to that district government was equally partner to the ILO and NRSP in elimination of child labour from the bangle industry. He said that district government Hyderabad recently invited the proposals from the NGOs for legislation's to protect the rights of labours and children with the framework of district council.
District Co-ordination Officer Hyderabad Muhammad Sharif Awan talking on the occasion said that it is an important issue and law has been made in this regard that no labour under 18 years is allowed to work in any industry. He said that it is basic right of every child to get education.
He said that it has been reported that child labour of glass bangle industry was suffering from different diseases. He said that the parents engaged their children into labour force due to poverty to get some earning for running of their livelihood. In his welcome address EDO CDD Shahid Ahmed Zubedi highlighted the features of the seminar. Ahsanullah Qureshi Director Labour, Ali Nawaz Nizamani Manager ILO, Agha Ali Jawad and others also spoke on the occasion.