The news item published in the daily Business Recorder, Karachi on 20-03-2006, titled 'Rs 15.64 billion GHS scheme preferred for Pakistan Steel employees' needs clarification with regard to the raising of expectations of the employees for plots by Chairman Pakistan Steel.
This is not true for various reasons. Firstly, allotment of small plots in Gulshan-e-Hadeed is continuing since early eighties and this being an exclusive management issue has nothing to do with the privatisation package.
Secondly, since these plots are allotted to a limited number of employees, irrespective of their retirement decision (according to a laid down merit policy approved by the Pakistan Steel Board many years ago), these do not at all form part of either the GHS or VSS which will only be offered to retiring employees.
Thirdly, these small plots are not being allocated free of cost. Every allottee will be paying prevailing market price of Rs 1000 per yard for these residential plots which includes development charges also. It may be noted that the last industrial plot sold in Pakistan Steel Downstream Industrial Estate in December 2005 was at the rate of Rs 550 per yard.
Fourthly, it took more than ten years to get phase 1 & 2 extensions, as well as phase 3 to be cleared for allotment which only have approximately 3000 plots, whereas Phase 4 is still under process. Therefore, assuming that 9000 employees were being given plots is far-fetched. It may also be noted that development of Steel Town and Gulshan-e-Hadeed labour colonies was planned as early as in 1974.-PR