The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Monday dismissed the petition filed by 70 students of the Punjab University (PU) against the introduction of semester system.
Punjab University deputy registrar appeared before the court and submitted that the semester system has been implemented in the university after 2-3 year continuous academic process. He contended that the semester system was duly approved by the university academic council as well as syndicate. He also referred to section 23 of the University Act 1973, which authorised the academic council to lay down standard of instruction, research, publication and examination and also regulate and promote the academic life of the university.
The LHC, while dismissing the petition, observed that decision of the university to introduce semester system covers all the legalities, hence the petitioners should take the examination according to the semester system. The court, however, directed the university to take the petitioners' examination of the first semester at least after 15 days.