Export Promotion Bureau has received the following Trade Enquiries from abroad. Interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
Al-Muhalla Al-Kubra City Mr Gamal Ibrahim Al-Okaya, Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra City, EGYPT
Telephone: (202)40 2440180 & 2440108
Mobile: (202) 012-3129296
Fax: (202) 40 2440289
Email: waelsolos@yahoo.com
Modern Company for Import & Export Dr Adel Ezzat Nessim, Modern Company for Import and Export, 311, Ramsis Street Cairo, EGYPT
Telephone: (2012) 2169633
Fax: (202) 6850027