'Country to have more adult literacy centres'

03 May, 2006

About 90,000 more adult literacy centres would be established across the country within next four years, said Deputy Educational Adviser Dr Muhammad Saleem Tuesday.
Country's 51 million population was illiterate. The target was to double the literacy ratio within next 15 years, Dr Saleem, who is also focal person in Education for All (EFA) programme told PTV.
Various programmes were continuing for enhancing adult literacy in Punjab and NWFP. NWFP plans to enhance number of adult literacy centres to 50,000 from 6,000. A comprehensive literacy programme was continuing in four districts of Punjab also, he said.
A gigantic Education Sector Reforms (ESR) project worth Rs 857 million has been launched aiming to provide missing facilities to educational institutions at provincial and district levels for providing comfortable atmosphere to the students. Additionally, there are about 10,000 non-basic formal education centres in the country busy in enhancing literacy level.
Extraneous efforts were underway to enrol (out of school) six million children into schools. Universal enrolment, retention and achievement were main targets in enhancing primary education, he added.
Various incentives were being offered to children at the primary level. Incentive packages for teachers were being announced for increasing the enrolment ratio. Teachers performance was being linked with good results.

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