Contractors complain of town administrations attitude

05 May, 2006

Although, the social circles have lauded the privatisation of garbage lifting from the city and the process is, somehow going satisfactory, there are a number of problems and hindrances facing private firms, who gained the contracts of garbage removal from the 18 towns of the city.
According to a representative of private contractors, they were lacking co-operation from the town administrations. He said that the contractors were feeling severe sense of insecurity due to the attitude of the town administrations in most of the towns and added that they were reluctant in injecting further investment required for the smooth flow of work. "Not only that our efforts are not being acknowledged, the town administrations are apathetic in solving our problems and provide a professionally conducive environment due to which uncertainty is prevailing among the contractors and they are reluctant to bring in more resources for the optimum execution of work," he said.
It may be mentioned here that daily approximately 7,000 tonnes of garbage is generated in Karachi. The city Nazim Mustafa Kamal, keeping in view the fact that only 3,000 tonnes out of the total was removed earlier, privatised the process. People belonging to different walks of life have termed it a revolutionary step taken by City Nazim, which was direly needed by a cosmopolitan city of Karachi. It is a general observation that privatisation of garbage lifting has started yielding results and the garbage dumps that used to exist at every nook and corner of the city have begun to disappear. It has been learnt that there are some differences between contractors and town administrations in some of the towns including Malir Town hindering the efficient removal of garbage.-PR

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