People have no confidence in judiciary: report

05 May, 2006

The stature and independence of courts in Pakistan have been seriously compromised which led to erosion of public confidence in these institutions.
Besides, delay in disposal of cases is also a source of anxiety among the masses, said a report on Pakistani Women in Context: A companion volume to the Pakistan Country Gender Assessment 2005 released here on Thursday.
Sometimes, the disposal of a case takes five, ten even twenty years. Other problems include major shortage of judges and courthouses, grossly inadequate facilities and a dismal system of compensation, giving rise to complaints of endemic corruption.
The report has four papers, among which a paper 'Violence Against Women and Impediments in Access to Justice' written by Zia Ahmad Awan recommended that the law ministry should review pending cases of the law commission and take prompt action on the cases that are linked with protection and promotion of the human rights.
It further says that the Supreme Court of Pakistan under article 184(3) of the constitution should take up the issue of women protection and monitor the government's action.
It recommends that a police ombudsman should be appointed to redress the problems of people wronged by police officials. The police departments should establish monitoring cells at district and provincial levels to check reported cases of violence against women.
The report also demanded for the allocation of substantial amount for the women related issues in the budget. Besides, there is a dire need for a support system for women victims of violence and the government should immediately establish crises /shelter centers for them, it adds.
It is worth mentioning that of Access to Justice Programme (AJP), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has provided a loan of $350 million structured in three phases. It commenced almost five years ago and will continue for the next five years.

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