Tariq Sayeed conferred FPCCI special gold medal

06 May, 2006

The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCC) has conferred special gold medal on Tariq Sayeed for "his splendid efforts and matchless services to international and regional economic organisations", on behalf of FPCCI, and for projecting Pakistan abroad.
The medal was conferred on the occasion of FPCCI's 29th export award ceremony held in Islamabad on Thursday, May 4, 2006. The citation said that Tariq Sayeed, a former President of FPCCI, succeeded in bringing here the permanent secretariat of G-77 Chamber of Commerce & Industry to Pakistan, which was greatly appreciated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has made tremendous contribution in promoting commercial activities in Islamic world, which has been recognised by his present posture as Honorary Lifetime Member of Islamic Chamber of Commerce, member of international advisory panel of Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute, Malaysia, member, International Advisory Panel of World Islamic Economic Foundation.
Being a founder-member of the Saarc Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he was the first signatory to its formation in 1998 during general assembly of G-77 CCI in New Delhi. He has been honoured being nominated as a member on the Board of Governors of NAM business council and also given special life membership of the Confederation of Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce & Industry in recognition of his valuable contributions.
A versatile orator, Tariq Sayeed had the unique opportunity of addressing Unctad's video conference on e-Commerce with ambassadors, both time in UN Geneva and in UN New York in session at the same time and participated in the conference. He is the only business leader of Pakistan who has been given the opportunity to address the Asia Society of USA. He had been invited as speaker in a large number of conferences organised on regional and international levels by various institutions of the world.

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