Class system in Railways to be abolished: Rashid

06 May, 2006

Federal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said on Friday that after developing Pakistan Railways on modern lines, it would become most effective mode of communication.
"The class system in railways would be abolished to make it better, attractive and cheaper mode of communication for poor and middle class of the country", the minister said while talking to reporters after visiting divisional office here.
He was of the view that corruption was the main cause, which had damaged the railway and forced people to use other means of communication. "I have chosen this ministry as a challenge and after eradication of corruption and nepotism, the railways would become profitable organisation", he said.
Earlier, addressing the officials of the Rawalpindi division, the minister said that all advertising contracts would be cancelled and multinational companies would be invited for their projection through Pakistan Railways as over 80 million people travel by railways annually.
He directed the authorities to give every inch of the railway station to private companies, banks, mobile companies for advertisements to earn more money. Kiosks on railway stations should also be given to multinational companies and only top ten companies would be allowed to compete, he said.
He also directed for removal of mobile phone towers if they are not paying reasonable amount. After examining the leasing process of the railway land, he would decide how to use this land for earning more money, he said.
Rashid said that contract of Gandhara Safari train would be awarded to any tourism-related private company and it would besides promoting tourism earn huge amount. He directed the officials to link the Chaklala Railway Station with timings of international flights. He also directed the authorities to provide quality food to the passengers.
The minister directed the railway officials to contact the chambers and business houses to make 100 percent increase in the freight revenue.
He said that in this modern era, Pakistan Railways is using old and obsolete signal system. He directed the officials to immediately replace the signal system to avoid untoward incidents. He gave one month's time to every department of railways to improve their performance.
Divisional superintendent of Rawalpindi division briefed the minister about the performance of the division. A smartly turned out contingent of Railway Police presented guard of honour to the minister upon his arrival.

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