Iran's nuclear programme

06 May, 2006

It is a fact that the Iranian leadership consolidated its firm objectives towards its nuclear programme and decided to face any aggression from the West with determination. It is not fair to keep Iran under threat and under constant stress.
As a result ultimate result will turn out more negative in the entire process. In the meantime, Iran tested a new torpedo and a flying war boat in these circumstances. However, Iran's threats cannot be considered rhetoric.
The West has said that Iran is getting very close to its nuclear target. It would be wrong to say that Iran would respond to an attack with terrorist strikes in the United States, if the US started the war against Iran on this nuclear dispute.
Why is nuclear diplomacy on the Iranian nuclear issue not being used in a proper way. Even Iran did not close the diplomatic doors on its nuclear programme and the parties involved in the negotiations were committed to a peaceful outcome. The entire situation dramatically changed when the Iranian President called for the state of Israel to be "wiped off the map", whilst according to the United States Iran is clandestinely developing nuclear weapons, and US thinks it to be a sponsor of terrorism for years.
The case of Iranian nuclear weapons has been simmering for some time. United States and his allies are not willing to mitigate the Iranian weapons strategy. The entire Iranian nation including its administration, is focused on being a nuclear power. The efforts made by the European Union in the context of a peaceful resolution of the dispute seem to have been squandered.
The Iranian threat has reached a tipping point. It has pointed out that oil would a vital role in the case of a US attack. These threats will not be taken lightly serious consequences would be placed upon the United States as a major opponent of the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Programme.
If the United States abandons its decision of attacking Iran, the situation many be normalised.
In the greater interest of world peace, the US, as the sole superpower, should continue to focus its attention on disarmament. As a first step in preventing the nuclear arms race, the US and UN should take into confidence the countries that are under direct threat of nuclear arms. A comprehensive policy be introduced for the prevention of nuclear technology being proliferated clandestinely, and countries found in violation of these policies must face embargoes imposed by the UN.
As far as concern about Iranian Nuclear Weapons, it has not been proved yet, that Iran intends such weapons. The fear of terrorism is only a whim of the United States. The United States would like to continue to control al Qaeda, which is an international threat to it.
As to terrorist activity, Israel has been using it since 1948, and they are still there. The terminology of terrorism has been created by Israel. United States should ask Israel why it has extended its own war throughout the world.

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