US MIDDAY: soyabeans higher

06 May, 2006

Soyabean futures at the Chicago Board of Trade were called to open 3 to 5 cents per bushel higher on Friday on a technical bounce, following soyaoil and the energy markets higher, traders said.
An expected rally in the Kansas City wheat market was also seen as supportive and was likely to limit selling in all CBOT markets, traders said.
The overnight e-cbot trend for soyabeans was up 3-3/4 to 5 cents per bushel. Dalian soyabean futures closed higher overnight.
Export business remains quiet with buyers turning to South America for freshly harvested soyabeans. There was some speculation that world buyers may turn to the United States for quick-shipment soyabeans as farmer protests in Brazil over poor prices has limited country movement.
US Midwest spot basis bids for soyabeans were steady to firm early Friday, underpinned by slow country movement, dealers said.
Planting was moving along at quick pace. CBOT traders are estimating that USDA will report on Monday that 20 to 25 percent of the US soya crop is planted.
There was another round of heavy May soyabean deliveries - 1,325 lots, a bearish fundamental sign. They were met by scattered stopping, with a Dowd Wescott customer taking 347.

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