Lawyers ask Musharraf to quit

07 May, 2006

Lawyers of the country have demanded of the President General Pervez Musharraf to immediately quit, as military government was unconstitutional and illegal.
The lawyers made the demand at All Pakistan Lawyers Convention organised by Pakistan Bar Council here on Saturday. Pakistan Bar Council Vice Chairman Ali Ahmad Kurd Advocate presided over the Convention.
Ali Ahmad Kurd Advocate, Muhammad Asif Abdul Razzaq Soomro (Sindh) Punjab Bar Council Vice Chairman Chaudhry Muhammad Azhar, Kifayat Ali, MPA Raja Shafqat Abbasi, Raheem Baloch and others also spoke on the occasion.
Speakers said lawyers of the country were struggling for the supremacy of constitution and law, freedom of judiciary and provincial autonomy under the constitution. They were of the view that military government of General Pervez Musharraf was unconstitutional and illegal.
While condemning military operation in Balochistan and Waziristan they said military rulers were creating a gulf among the people due to their action which had endangered the country's stability. They said respecting the people's opinion all the provinces should be given provincial autonomy according to the constitution.
Lawyers while showing solidarity with the people of Balochistan said the rulers should immediately halt operation in the province.
Return of Marri and Bugti tribesmen who were forced to leave their areas should be ensured. People of Balochistan have the priority over their resources and mega projects and they should be given this right.
People of Gwadar should be imparted training to run the port and provide them employment. They said they empowered people of Balochistan and Wana to take up arms to face unconstitutional and illegal actions of rulers.

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