TDA draft sent to MoC for approval: EPB chief

07 May, 2006

The 'Trade Development Authority' (TDA) would replace Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) in a month with the aim to boost the country's exports. This was stated by EPB Chairman Tariq Ikram while talking to newsmen after a 'Business Policy Roundtable' on key issues faced by information technology and information technology-enabled services (ITeS) here on Saturday.
In this regard, he said, the final draft of TDA has been sent to Ministry of Commerce for approval. He added that a meeting would be held on May 12 to discuss the draft of TDA.
The idea behind the formation of TDA is to work independently with improvement of exportable goods and without bottlenecks and bureaucratic hurdles as the existing EPB was facing lots of problems.
The 'Authority' would also work on country's export projection for the next 30 to 40 years with authority to work freely with futuristic approach of the country's exports. The TDA would be an autonomous body, he added.
There were still some hurdles and barriers in the present system and the government wanted to remove them, he said.
Giving an example, he said that the marble and lime sector has a potential for exporting $3 billion goods annually, but does not have right expertise to develop the sector with right technology and procedures required for foreign buyers.
Tariq said the exportable products also need trade development and it would help in boosting exports of the country.
The existing staff of EPB would be absorbed in Trade Development Authority as a majority of employees have expertise in various sectors regarding exports. "We would provide training to EPB employees to develop their skills and train them to work for the 'Authority' (TDA)," he added.

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