Pack of cards

10 May, 2006

Cards, the playing type, of course, are used by man, since time immemorial, to play games of chance. A pack of cards consists of a deck of 'fifty-two' regular cards and an extra 'two', interestingly called, jokers.
The total number of cards in a pack is 'fifty-four'. Games are played on a flat surface and one of the players is designated as a 'banker' to note the 'points'.
The 'banker' in our land of the pure, coiffed and gelled (wonder who his stylist is) has selected a pack of 62 to play with on a surface held in place by 'brass' tacks.
Wonder if he has been, as he is wont to claim, jotting down 'points' scored by the members of the pack.
The pack he has is a bit of a wonder. Here, the mathematics goes awry which considering the 'banker's' background, is a bit difficult to understand. He shuffles with a pack of 52 plus 10 jokers who at times weigh down upon the whole deck. This is lent credence by the mutterings and utterings by some of the pack, bordering perilously close to being insanely hilarious (challenging and insulting the intelligence of the citizens). Amazing, isn't it, that such 'twos' have multiplied to 10 and have made it to the pack.
But then again, we of the 'enlightened' land are expected to stay quiet and listen/read the endless meaningless banter and shake our heads in disbelief of having such 'twos' foisted upon the citizens of the 'enlightened' republic.
Pure meandering rhetoric doesn't gel no more with the pack. It's now physical too. The civilian bureaucracy would be well advised to hire the services of a WWF (World Wrestling Federation) coach or of a Korean grandmaster holding atleast a 7th dan blackbelt in tae-kwon-doh for training in the art of self-defence for its members (make it a compulsory subject in the Civil Services curriculum) keeping in view the bizarre happenings in the capital. And us mortals would do well unto ourselves to steer clear of the buildings housing the members of the 'twos' in the pack.
Does the 'banker' know what's happening while he is away enjoying the cool and pleasant climes in a beautiful part of the world (this only been made accessible due to 'glasnost' of the Gorbachev era).
That's the scenario in which, it seems the 'brass' tacks, are the only consistent and tolerant part of the gaming arena letting the game continue to benefit whom, Heavens know.

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