All in a day's work! - Taking the right Decision!

13 May, 2006

Life sounds good!
Seems so!
What is the reason to say that?
Am reading newspaper.
Any thing interesting?
A few captions!
Such as?
"Pakistan sees pest -free status for its cattle"
We must be having good environment for our human beings to think of cattles.
No comments!
But livestock is very crucial for the economics of a developing country.
Dear, I thought well-being of human being is also very crucial for the economic growth of any country.
U have not used the word developing?
I wanted to ....but........
What do u want to say?
I recalled the US journal report that called us a failed state and ...........
And u stopped calling the country a developing country after that?
No comments.
The other caption is "Rs 140 billion being spent on projects in Baluchistan".
Not to mention the amount spent in order to maintain law and order situation?
No comments, dear.
"City to have another modern sabzi mandi".
But why r u smiling?
After modernising our TV channels ...........
Come on!
There's no relevance between the two.
Am smiling at the spirit of our leaders to modernise.
It's an era of globalisation and modernisation.
No doubt!
But we first need balancing and modernisation of our industries.
Look at us, we r exporting raw material to other countries, we should balance and modernise our industrial units and export value added products.
Ha ha.
What is there to laugh about?
We r exporting our human resource after adding value.
Can u explain?
My cousin visited me yesterday. He is going back to USA.
He was a Gold medallist.
He got a scholarship and went abroad for further studies.
He studied and worked there for three years.
Now what's the issue?
He wanted to come back and work for his country.
He should, what's the problem?
The salary. Lack of professionalism in the institution!
He should sacrifice something to work for his country.
The point is he is offered half the salary drawn by a person working in the institution he wished to work for.
Come on!
That person must be more educated.
More experienced in that particular field.
He is an experienced person but not in that particular field.
How could a person be working at a higher post without having knowledge of that particular field.
Can u guess?
Got it.
Thank you. Your conversation helped me taking decision for my son's future.
I will send my son to army instead of engineering university.
As per Information Minister Mr Ali Durrani's statement they do have a 10 per cent quota in civilian jobs. Not to mention that the quota is always applied to the top echelon.

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