PTI deplores NAB silence over sugar scam

15 May, 2006

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (Sindh Chapter) President Zubair Khan has said the silence of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) over the sugar scam even after the eye-notorious profiteer and hoarder mafia ruling class people were also involved in this economic loot and plunder of poor people.
Addressing a hurriedly summoned meeting to review prevailing poverty, price-hike, inflation and corruption, he charged that ruling class was pushing Pakistan towards the status of a failed state by selling off highly sensitive national assets in the garb of so-called privatisation for peanuts.
Comparing the attitude of Pakistani rulers to their counterparts in India, he said that Indian government had allowed a raise in railway fare at the rate of Rs 0.5 per 150 km, but the people protested and the issue was raised in the Lower House and ultimately the government had to withdraw its decision.
He said that the Indian ruler had a respect for their elected representatives, while in our country's minister and ruling party members were sucking blood of common man through various gimmicks, like the sugar scam, he lamented.
Zubair Khan warned the government if those responsible for raising price-hike in the country were not brought to the book, the PTI would launch a massive protest movement and lay siege around corrupt officials and ministers during officials and private ceremonies.
Ashraf Qureshi, Iqbal Zafar, Khalid Imran, Jawad Jillany and Bismillah Khan also spoke on the occasion.

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