CAPITAL CULTURAL SCENE: 'All Round Training in Excellence'

03 Jun, 2006

I wonder whether it can get any hotter in Islamabad. The weather has been unpredictable this summer which might be due to the after effects of the earthquake. The heat really drains ones strength and it toll ones mood.
The Art of Living Foundation teacher is again in town. She has been conducting a six day workshop for children that cover every aspect of a child's development through specific breathing exercises, Kriya, yogasanas, meditation, coupled with lively games, processes and educative interactions, in a joyful and relaxed atmosphere.
ART EXCEL stands for (All Round Training in Excellence). As the name suggests, children get training covering all aspects - physical, mental, spiritual. It is a highly effective stress management and human values training programme.
Through play and fun and laughter, children learn valuable lessons on how to share with others, work and play in harmony and develop a sense of belongingness. They become more self-expressive and comfortable and natural even with diverse groups of people. They are also taught some yoga and effective and powerful breathing processes which help to eliminate fear, anxiety, depression and other undesirable emotions.
Meditation, being an important tool to tap the children's hidden potential, forms an integral part of the programme. The children show enhancement of creative skills, improvement of memory and concentration, development of leadership qualities and healthy emotions, clarity of mind and better interaction with everyone after undergoing the programme.
ART EXCEL programmes give proper direction to the enthusiasm and dynamism in children. It helps them to contribute to the society by making them responsible beings.
BENEFITS INCLUDE: enhancement of creative skills; improvement of memory and concentration; healthier emotions and better interaction with others.
Two Art Excel courses have already been conducted. Children had amazing experiences and they learned to deal with exam pressure, anger, anxiety and fear etc. Parents felt that the children had become more energetic, confident, positive and responsible.
Furthermore, children started eating right food and left junk and fast food. Vivien, an eight year old said that she liked the course, it was good fun and she now knows the difference between healthy and unhealthy food. Imaan, another child said that she is more satisfied with herself now and doesn't get as angry as she used to before. Scheherazade enjoyed the games and learned how to make new friends. The confident she gained has helped her in her studies.
"The true measure of success is a happy, healthy, well-adjusted child that is able to deal effectively with life's challenges." said H. H. Sri Ravi Shankar
Through out our lives we learn many skills reading, writing, science, music and art but very few of us have actually learnt the true Art of Living. We are rarely taught how to handle our negative emotions - anger, depression, stress.
Yet, the quality of our life depends upon the quality of our mind.
The Art of Living courses offer simple but effective techniques which eliminate toxins and stresses that accumulate in our systems over time.
They are a unique way to harmonise and energise the Body, Breath, Mind, and Emotions and Spirit.
Developed by H.H Sri Ravi Shankar, these courses offer simple and effective techniques for eliminating stress, resolving conflict, improving health and living life with new joy and enthusiasm - A combination of the very best of ancient wisdom and modern science. Indeed it is a must for children and adults alike in today's fast moving world.
The second event was the inauguration of an exhibition by Murad organised at Humerkada. Jamal Shah in a statement said, " He would spend hours looking at Gandhara Ruins ie sculptures and stupas etc and would always think about the artists who made them he also learned computer because of his own interest and started designing logos, boards and brochures for people."
"The keen observer within him also enabled him to go through the process of selection and rejection in a focused and mature way.
The beauty of his natural surroundings (Swat), the Ghandharan heritage, his mother's kind initiative and study of Rehman Baba seems to have given him a different way of looking at things. Murad's awareness of his very rich cultural tapestry is reflected in his delicately woven images conveniently floating in different times ie his own yesterday, today and tomorrow.
He creates rather contemporary and multilayered images with unusual textures and colours, which he brings himself from locally available semi precious tones from Swat." "The exhibition on view is the first of his self-taught artist. His work shows the adventurous beginning of an artist of great promise."
The artist describes his work as follows: "Mother's nature, being the best teacher, has infinite ways and means of educating people. One just has to be blessed with an imaginative mind and a will to share.
"Murad seems to have relied solely on nature and particularly on his mother for she started influencing, grooming and encouraging him when he was only four years old.
Murad became an apprentice of a cinema billboard painter when he was studying in fourth grade and spent two years learning painting, when he in eighth grade he is started his own painting shop and could only complete matriculation in his formal education. His interest in image making was so uncontrollable that nothing except Art could hold his attention.

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