Zika may still be spreading all over the globe not if one is to heed the words of World Health Organization (WHO) who no longer classifies it as a public health emergency. It is said that the downgrade will benefit long term plans to combat pandemic.
Zika virus, which is mosquito-borne, is no longer considered a global public health emergency albeit still remains a persistent problem, experts say it is important to reiterate on the lateral fact of the matter. WHO will be providing the resources for fighting the dreaded yet still possible expansion of the virus?
The disease poses a high risk to pregnant women, as connections have surfaced interlinking the disease and many birth defect that ensue; majorly causing an infants head to smaller than ordinary leading up to lifelong disabilities.
Since its advent, the disease has spread across South America, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and certain regions in Miami. The WHO hopes that the reclassification of the disease will get the right message across; Zika is not a fleeing endemic but a chronic issue that is here to stay and be combated against.