Minister for State for Food Agriculture Muhammad Ali Malkani has said that close co-ordination between stakeholders imperative to revolve ongoing situation faced by the growers, sugar mills and consumers.
In his inaugural address at the workshop on "Sugarcane Development" organised by the Pakistan Society of Sugar Technologists (PSST) at local hotel on Monday, he said sugarcane really deserve attention of all concerned researcher relating to the yield per hectare and varietal composition of sugarcane.
He said the topic selected by today's workshop is the need of the hour, as we are facing shortage of water in the country and then rainfall is also inadequate. He said under these we must adopt latest modes and techniques of irrigations.
He said the government schemes have already been launched including demand of Sugar Technology and Training Institute. He said, in this regard a committee would be shortly formed.
Earlier Riaz Ahmed Suleri, Vice President PSST welcoming the chief guest explained in detail the objective of the workshop and said that it envisage independent study to find away and means to improve our efficiency in field. Earlier, Agha Zafaralluah Durani, DG Agriculture Engg,, Dr Bilquis Fatima, Principal Scientist NIA Tandojam, K.H.Malik, Director DFARF Thatta, spoke on the occasion.
Concluding the workshop following recommendations has been adopted unanimously.
1. Sindh province should adopt latest advancements in water management practices and farm mechanisation technique. Watercourse should be properly maintained as 30 percent water is wasted due to non-maintenance of watercourses.
Agriculture production can be increased through effective use of water by following improved water management practices. Highly efficient irrigation systems of the world like sprinklers and micro-irrigated areas may be adopted which are successfully being adopted by developed nations like Germany France UK, USA, Italy, India etc.
Secondly drip irrigation system is another efficient water management system which results in 40-50 percent water saving. Agricultural productivity increase saving of fertilisers and increase in cropping intensity. The system has been launched as pilot project on 1,200 acres in the province of Sindh by the irrigation department.
Agriculture mechanisation is an important input for production. Grower should use chisel or other deep penetrating plough for sugar cane crop as its roots penetrate 0.9 to 1.5 meter deep. For proper land levelling, latest innovation like laser land levelling may be adopted for water and fertiliser saving, decrease in length of time to irrigation, uniformity of seed germination improves efficiency of farm machinery. Agriculture engineering department is assisting the growers in this regard.
The recommendations pointed out that amongst various factors responsible for low yield of sugarcane in Sindh, the insect pests especially borers are of unique importance. Biological control through parasitoids, as an alternate of chemical control has been successful. Biological control emerges as an important component of integrated pest management initiation to suppress borer infestation below sub-economic level in sugarcane. It is the most economical and efficient method to reduce the population of sugarcane borers.
Sugarcane crop yields are effected by a number of climatic and biotic factors which includes favourable weather conditions, land productivity, organic status of soil, cane varieties, land preparation, planting time, planting method, irrigation, fertiliser application, weed control and of pests and diseases.
While dealing with these factors growers make all efforts to prepare land would apply even excess of "N" fertiliser, maximum availability of water, planting new varieties but pays least attention to the land productivity level. The grower should be conscientious of the fact that soil was being exhausted of nutrients for want of organic matter.