Federal Commerce Minister Humayun Akhtar on Tuesday called on Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan at the Governor's House and discussed salient features of the forthcoming trade policy.
The Sindh Governor said that the trade policy 2006-07 should be designed to alleviate poverty, encourage domestic commerce, cottage industry and investment in small projects.
The policy should give appropriate place to domestic commerce and area-specific industries. He said that area-specific industries were in need of encouragement and the coming trade policy should not ignore it. The governor said that bangle industry in Hala, Hyderabad, was in need of protection and support as it had the potential of becoming a substantial foreign exchange earner.
He said that the utility of skilled labour had not been taken into consideration in previous trade policies. This is not an insignificant area. Given its proper place it would contribute toward making the trade policy a success.
The governor said that to provide better services and to facilitate business community efforts were being made. There is progress and advancement in all direction. The coming trade policy should be broad-based and provide equal opportunity to the people contributing toward the betterment of the national economy.
Khan said that in view of increasing need of the city master plan for Karachi was being prepared. Different economic zones would be created to cater to the need of investors. He said after the successful completion of Karachi master plan, it would be replicated in other cities of Sindh.
The governor said that land record was being computerised in five districts. Once the project is completed it would clear all discrepancies from land/revenue record and people would be able to get clean title of their lands. Once clean titles are available to people they would be used as collateral with banks to get loans for commercial/agricultural purposes.
Streamlining of export of jewellery, textile, fisheries products, carpet manufacturing, shoe industry, storage system and warehousing were some of the other subjects that were discussed during the meeting.
Sindh Chief Secretary Fazlur Rehman, Secretary Industries Nasir Hayat, Acting Principal Secretary Javed Hanif, and other concerned officers participated in the meting.