The University of Texas has announced establishment of Charlie Wilson Chair for Pakistan Studies, says an official announcement on Friday. On the occasion, Professor Akbar B. Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies and Professor of International Relations at the American University and Professor James Brow, director for the Institute of South Asian Studies at the University of Texas, Austin were the keynote speakers.
A message by the Consulate of Pakistan states that the event was held recently and a large number of community members, noted personalities, academicians, and newsmen, as well as, President of the World Al fairs Council, Dallas chapter attended.
The Pakistani American community, the report says, gave a positive response to the establishment of Charlie Wilson Chair, and assured their support.
The University of Texas has received a grant of dollar 500,000 from the Temple Foundation of Lufkin Texas, and the University will have to raise dollar 500,000. The Consulate, on its part, is extending necessary support for raising a matching grant of $500,000.
The report adds that the State of Texas will match $1,000,000 endowment with funds equal to the pay out of dollar 2,000,000 endowment. The basic salary for the Chair will be paid by the US state funds, while the endowment will support research in Pakistan studies by the holder, pay for conferences on Pakistan studies, bring distinguished scholars, policy-makers, and others from Pakistan, and support travel for students and scholars to Pakistan for research and conferences. The Consulate of Pakistan, on the occasion, organised a cultural evening in collaboration with the University of Texas, Dallas Camps, and a movie on The Life of the Father of the Nation Muhammad Ali Jinnah was shown.
Earlier, Consul General, G.R. Baloch, presented welcome address, in which he detailed measures taken to facilitate cause of the community, particularly in the field of education.