Dr Salar Khan, a noted Pakistani American, who has recently received 'US Federal Employee of the Year 2006 award' for his professional excellence in the field of healthcare management, on Sunday said he would be willing to give a free consultation in Pakistan to develop research programmes in clinical and basic medical science.
"My goal is to educate and train medical professionals in human subjects' research protection programme, educate general public to raise awareness of their health and bring all medical professionals and drug companies together at one platform to provide a good healthcare delivery to every Pakistani," he stated in an interview.
Dr Salar is a medical administration specialist in Chicago. To a question on R&D in Pakistan, he said history was not static as "yesterday's actions are today's history."
"The public's perception of research, its benefits and its risks are shaped by way research is conducted," he stated.
He hopes to establish an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in Pakistan to provide ethical, scientific review and approval of human studies projects throughout Pakistan.