Partly Facetious: exile preferable to jail term

05 Aug, 2006

"I don't understand. The British have given a visa to Nawaz Sharif again?"
"Why not? If he has a valid passport then why not? I mean it's not as if he was a terrorist."
"Trying to get a PIA plane to land in enemy territory is..."
"Is very stupid, but not terrorism!"
"So you reckon Osama bin Laden would never recruit Nawaz Sharif?"
"Don't be facetious."
"Besides, it's not as if Britain helps us catch our alleged corrupt."
"Corruption is not grounds for visa refusal."
"Corruption is grounds for exile for ten years with all the wealth in tact..."
"See I never understood that deal."
"Me too."
"I mean how can you exile someone with his wealth for ten years and then turn around and deport his brother for entering the country of which he holds the passport..."
"The brothers should be behind Pakistani bars answering to charges levelled by the Government. That is what justice is about!"
"Maybe the Sharifs were scared that they won't get justice in this country..."
"I understand that! What with acting judges and all that there is concern about the judiciary's independence, but didn't AZ stay around and do time."
"Yes he did but he is Marde-e-Hur while Nawaz Sharif is no one's Hur."
"That has to be the difference."
"I thought exiling people as a policy died in the middle ages. You take them to court for heinous crimes but you don't deport them with their wealth intact..."
"Maybe, this has resurfaced in a new and improved form."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, in the old days people were exiled for political reasons, right. They were the pretenders and all that."
"Now they are exiled for political reasons and what's equally relevant is that those exiled don't want to serve time."
"As they say you need both hands to clap."

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