Partly Facetious: Israelis would not have drafted a better motion

09 Aug, 2006

"So the Bush neoconservatives are not that angry with the French any more."
"Whatever do you mean? Last I heard they were barely on speaking terms with the French! How dare the French forget that it was the Americans who liberated their country from Nazi Germany! All the neoconservatives wanted in return was unconditional support in their effort to rid the world of Saddam!"
"Right but the situation has changed."
"Because the two countries are the ones who worked together to draft the UN resolution that incidentally has been rejected by the Lebanese..."
"With good reason! Israel would not have been able to draft a better resolution for itself had it tried I would imagine. It leaves the Israelis with the option of carrying on a defensive war - which they claim they are doing in any case - while calling on Hezbollah to stop all military activities."
"Yes but it was supposed to be the first draft..."
"It also calls for Israel to keep the territory it has gained in Lebanon till such a time as an international force is put in place..."
"Doubt if Hezbollah will accept this part of the resolution either."
"They haven't - they have called for a negotiated settlement not dictation."
"Yes that's what Nabih Berri said - the House Speaker with affiliations with Hezbollah."
"Right. But the resolution does not capture the spirit of the people in Lebanon today - they are in no mood to compromise."
"But it does capture the spirit of the people in Israel."
"Courtesy the US but the resolution is not the reason why I said the neoconservatives are getting on better with the French!"
"Then it has to be French support for the US position on Iran's nuclear capability. Chirac has said that he can consider an attack on Iran if he feels that the French are threatened by the Iranian nuclear programme."
"Those are golden words for the Bush neoconservatives."
"Indeed but that's not why I said the French and the neoconservatives have mended their fences either."
"Why then?"
"Because now you can order French fries in the House of Representatives."
"Instead of?"
"Instead of freedom fires."
"Ah yes that is irrefutable proof."

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