Sindh High Court on Wednesday directed director of Jinah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi to convene a medical board for examining whether injured under trial prisoner (UTP) has any bullet in his body and if so it could be removed without causing him further medical problems.
SHC's division bench comprising Sarmad Jalal Osmany and Justice Ali Sain Dino Metlo was hearing the petition of Mst. Jamila who said that her son Wazir Ahmed was languishing in jail since last year in injured condition without any proper medical treatment. Police in injured condition arrested Wazir after shot out in Baldia Town area in January 2005.
Petitioner expressed fear about life of her son who was paralysed after bullet injury. She said condition of her son was deteriorating day by day due to lack of medical treatment insisting that doctors did not take out bullets from the body of her son. The UTP was produced in wheelchair as matter was taken up before court.
In compliance of court order, medical superintendent of Civil Hospital Karachi submitted his report after examining the UTP. He stated that no foreign object was found in the body of UTP as alleged by him and he does not need surgical intervention. The petitioner disputed the statement of MS and she said that her son has at presently 3 bullets in his body in which 2 are in lower limbs while one is in spinal area. She requested court that her son be sent to JPMC for better treatment.