Standing up to Israel

13 Aug, 2006

By giving a green signal to Israel to attack Lebanon, the US has once again behaved as an extension of the Israeli government. Its advice to the invading party not to kill civilians was a solace for its collateral satisfaction vis-à-vis its signal.
But the purpose of this letter is to briefly examine some of the parts played by the UK and France for a century now, later followed by the US, for the Middle East scenario as being seen for over six decades.
- In 1910, the UK government planted T.E. Lawrence - better known as Lawrence of Arabia - in the Arab world where he remained up to 1914 as a spy-activist and actively engaged himself, with the help of local people, against the Ottoman Empire, the then caretaker of the region.
Ultimately the Britishers defeated the Ottomans and promulgated the Balfour Declaration for the establishment of the State of Israel in the Arab world to the surprise of the Jews the world over.
After the collapse of the Ottomans and retreat of the Turks from the region and under the Treaty of Versailles, the Arab world was divided between the UK and France, another success to plant Israel. Were the Jews really aware of it also?
-- The 1916 notorious Sykes-Picot Treaty for the ME, again between the UK and France, weakened and divided the Arab world's then about eight countries into the present day's 22 so that none of them could challenge or stand up to Israel, when established.
-- The 1917 Balfour Declaration for Israel was meant to establish on Palestinian lands where the then population of Jews was only 6 percent. In 1922, the UK government manoeuvred to obtain the Palestine Mandate from the then League of Nations - another hard work for the establishment of the State of Israel was over.
"The League of Nations added its own criminality by adding the element of Balfour Declaration to the covenant on Palestine and authorising the mandatory to take steps towards implementing the Balfour Declaration" In 1947, November 28, the UN gave birth of the state of Israel on Palestinian lands through an American Caesarian operation.
The story goes that on 26-11-1947 the UN, without assigning any reason, information or notice, postponed the voting in the UN for the Palestine partition plan for two days, enabling the US to manoeuvre to steal some vital votes of smaller countries, otherwise the establishment of the State of Israel was not possible. So, Bush's green signal also means that the real problem in the Middle East is the Arabs themselves.

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