The Karachi Port handled 63,349 tonnes of cargo including 60,768 tonnes import, 2,581 tonnes export cargo and 1,982 containers during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Tuesday.
The cargo comprised of 33,349 tonnes dry cargo including 15,904 tonnes general cargo; 17,445 tonnes bulk cargo and 30,000 tonnes oil/Liquid cargo. Fifteen ships namely Orient Independence, Thor Captain, Jade Trader, Sp 5-Eric G Gibson, Yang Jiang He, Wan Hai-303, Kota Perkasa, Maersk Arkansas, CMA CGM Simba, Emerald Sea, An Yua Jiang, Cosmic Challanger, Athloforos, Rising One and Conti Express sailed out to sea during the report period.
Twelve vessels viz Yang Jiang He, Latgale, Pearl of Sharjah, Athloforos, Emerald Sea, Jade Trader, Rising One, CMA CGM Simba, Conti Express, Wan Hai-303, Nurasia Alps and MT Johar currently at the berths.
MT Johar is expected to sail on Wednesday. Six vessels viz Oriental Kerria, Gulf Bridge, Ever Govern, YM Star, Apl Jebal Ali and Serife due to arrive on Tuesday, while three ships namely Oel Victory, Hyundai Future and Corinthiakos are due to arrive on Wednesday.