Women expo in Lahore from September 8

17 Aug, 2006

After receiving overwhelming success in Karachi, the 'Women's Expo' will now be organised at Fortress Expo Centre in Lahore from September 8 to 10. The first Women's Expo, held in Karachi last April, was attended by more than 0.3 million women.
The idea behind the expo is to develop national women's interactive platform to integrate the efforts of all concerned quarters that are working for women development and empowerment.
The three-day exhibition is a national interactive platform that would highlight the positive image of Pakistani women, besides help improve collaboration and bridge the gap among government, non-government and corporate and public sectors.
Over 0.1 million Pakistani women from all age groups, classified as students, housewives and working women, would congregate and discuss their issues, vocalise their concerns, celebrate identity, achievements and individuality, mark their existence as an equal gender, highlight their contribution in the society and converge efforts towards women development and empowerment.
The expo will provide opportunities to generate maximum awareness regarding women's rights and encourage women's participation in all spheres of life, recognise their contribution and highlight their multiple roles in Pakistan's society.
Experts from health and nutrition, education and training, beauty, fitness and home management would undertake health screenings, enlighten women about their multi-dimensional roles by incorporating presentations on successful women.
Women entrepreneurship training and skill development programmes would provide easy and hassle-free recipes and nutritional meal solutions, discounted beauty services and guide the participants about cost-effective ways of house makeovers, household tips and quick fix approaches.
The exhibition is being organised by Fourth Dimension Private Limited in collaboration with government, non-government sector, corporate sector and public.-PR

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