Some thoughts on agricultural changes the world over

21 Aug, 2006

It is unanimously stated by various economists that it is the tiller of the soil (farmer) who, after taking warm blood from the land, fills it in the veins of civilisation.
On the other side, how many changes have taken place in various countries like France, Mexico, China, Iran, the basic character of which has been the farming community, no matter if the lead in this regard has been given by the other sectors. But it is the farmer who has paid full price of social and economic changes after this revolution. As a matter of reality, unless any country has basically changed the agricultural management, there has not been any industrial or capitalistic changes in socialistic China and her capitalistic island of Taiwan or capitalistic South Korea where full-fledged agricultural reforms came into being and the land was given to the farmers. As a result the farmers brought their first capitalistic power to move. Consequently, all the development and progress were visible in the region.
As a matter of fact, land has always been a critical element. Man from the very beginning, has been exploiting it. And this is the foundation of its physical existence but when any other thing like feudal realities come between the farmer and the land, the land becomes a miser and brings out it treasure slowly. With the passage of time the character of the feudal relationship continued not to be negative but famine-like.
Thus the countries, which having done away with feudalism, have not removed the wall between the farmer and the land. The land caused self-reliance in the agricultural production. But when the wall (implement) is removed from the middle the farmer expends more money on the land and just becomes the owner of its fruits.
From the time memorial the farming and agriculture have been responsible for economic stability.
The foundation of Pakistan economic welfare is agriculture as the biggest share of economic growth is also obtained from agriculture. But the fast population growth has a bad effect on agriculture.
Enduring hard to give his best to the country our farmer is handicapped in many ways. Besides the shortage of clean drinking water in the villages the irrigation water also presents a number of problems. The British government had given a consolidated system of irrigation water on independence. Apart from all necessary facilities for agriculture development was like schools, colleges and institutes and a number of link-roads from fields to markets were available.
Having been rich in all respects we could not keep the various facilities intact. To speak without reservations, we remained unmindful for giving due uplift to our agriculture.
One of the reasons for not developing our agriculture is lack of proper planning.
The nation remembers that after hard labour we have been surplus in wheat but after passage of 3-5 years we lost this status. Similarly other agriculture commodities like sugar has been the victim of bad planning. Even the import of its big quantities form abroad could not improve the sugar situation.
The present government seems to be on improving the situation in many respects. But there is still due need for good governance.
Much can be done on improving the economic outlook of the country but nothing can be obtained unless our government becomes action-oriented.

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