Partly Facetious: new democracy for Lebanon, Palestine

22 Aug, 2006

"It's not right to play politics with terrorism."
"Are you referring to Bush?" "He did the reverse: got terrorism to play his politics. Remember the neoconservative dream of redrawing the political map of the Middle East?"
"Yes I do and that redrawing is not about bringing democracy to countries that toe the US line but to those that do not."
"Right so it's OK for Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan..."
"Well, the US State Department makes periodic noises against those dictatorships but nothing that would actually challenge the rule of the existing potentates..."
"Right but a few years ago the focus was on Iraq, where Saddam had stopped doing what the US wanted him to do..."
"Well, that's true. The US had supported Saddam against Iran."
"Yes and now democracy must come to Lebanon as well as Palestine..."
"The new and improved version though - like the one in Pakistan, not the old and tried one!"
"Why do you say that?"
"Hezbollah as well as Hamas are political animals as well as with a military wing and their electoral victory must not be accepted, so say the Americans and the Israelis..."
"And still democracy needs to be brought to the Middle East as per the neoconservative vision."
"Indeed and then there is a neoconservative in England..."
"Right, poodle Blair supports the US 100%."
"You know he reminds me of our local Lotas. You know more loyal than the king sort of mentality."
"Indeed but his own party will get rid of him soon."
"Unlikely here."
"Indeed besides our Lotas do not have to take into account any electoral defeat if Musharraf is on their side."
"Speaking of playing politics with terrorism..."
"Yes I know you will say that President Musharraf is doing that too - wasn't terrorism in the country given as a reason for his continuing to wear two hats..."
"Don't recall - he did say it was for national interest and security..."
"Oh, that's right. After those phrases no one presents any rationale."

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