Anti-aerial firing drive in NWFP from September

24 Aug, 2006

The NWFP government is launching a vigorous campaign to create public awareness against the aerial firing in the province from September 1 to 10 to eliminate the scourge of festive firing from the society and ensure safety of life and property of the people.
This was announced by NWFP Minister for Information, Asif Iqbal Daudzai while chairing a meeting convened to propose measures for the eradication of this menace here on Wednesday.
He said this bad practice required to be extirpated from the society in larger public interest. He called upon the Ulema, elected public representatives, media persons and NGOs to join hands with the government and play their active role in the elimination of that menace.
The meeting decided that the District Police Officers would arrange holding of seminars in all the police stations of their respective districts wherein the elite and elected representatives would be invited to participate so as to inform the masses about the negative aspects of the aerial firing.
It was decided that the SHO of every police station would send a written request to the "Imam-e-Masajid" of his respective area to preach the masses in "Juma" sermons that the killing of a person due to stray bullet was synonymous to wilful killing; therefore, they should refrain from aerial firing whether it be on the "Chand Raat", Eid, marriage ceremonies or other festivities.
It was further decided that during wedding ceremonies, the SHO concerned would take an undertaking from the family head that neither they themselves would resort to festive firing nor allow others to do.
The meeting decided further that the information department would also carry out a vigorous campaign against the aerial firing through mass media and the print and electronic media would also be requested to play their due role in this connection.
The Non-Governmental Organisations were also urged to take active part in the 10-days campaign against the aerial firing and arrange holding of seminars and workshops to raise public awareness against the life-taking menace. All the political parties were also requested to desist from aerial firing during their functions.
The meeting was informed that as many as 1,275 cases were registered during the period of January 1 to August 18, 2006 against the violators of aerial firing and 1,511 accused arrested.

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