Australian police team calls on NWFP IGP

25 Aug, 2006

A two-member delegation of counter terrorism branch of Australian Federal Police called on the IGP NWFP Muhammad Raffat Pasha at CPO Peshawar on Thursday. They discussed professional matters with special reference to crimes and counter terrorism and policing in NWFP.
While talking to the Australian delegation the IGP informed that investigation was playing pivotal role in the professional career of police that was why special attention was being given to impart latest know-how and techniques of investigation to the police Jawans.
They were further informed that special training and courses were being arranged to equip Jawans with scientific investigation. They also exchanged views on the modern techniques of the investigation and applying of these by NWFP police in high profile cases. The IGP also briefed the members about the methods being adopted by the Frontier police regarding collection of evidence from crime scene and identification of real culprits on the basis of these proofs.
The visiting delegation was especially informed about the Forensic Science Laboratory, Genetic testing and the methods being used in the process and problems confronted in this connection. Members of the delegation commended the existing investigation techniques and professional skill of NWFP police and assured its full co-operation in bringing more improvements in the investigation skill of the police.
They further assured that necessary equipment and other facilities would be provided to further harness the investigation techniques and skill of the NWFP police as will as difficult training programme would be arranged for the NWFP police under the supervision of foreign experts to enable them to combat terrorism and saboteurs activities. Both side agreed to share information and extend needed co-operation with each other in cases where required. The members of delegation included team leader Brett Swan and Brad McMeeking.

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