Message from Federal Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources

28 Aug, 2006

It has been a matter of great satisfaction and honour for the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources for having successfully fulfilled another promise made to people of Murree by the present regime by providing them the sui gas facility.
It will go a long way in enhancing the standard of living of the people of this area on the one hand and help attract the large number of tourist on the other.
I must also appreciate the strenuous efforts of the SNGPL engineers and trained technical staff for successfully completion this otherwise a complicated and challenging project as per schedule.
This pragmatic project will extend benefits of cheaper and environment-friendly fuel to the people of the area and will also help save our precious forests and flourishing flora and fauna in this naturally gifted area of the country.
In the end I must reiterate the resolve of the present government that it will continue to make enduring efforts for providing the supply of natural gas in all nooks and corners of the country.

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