Customs told to check ''green channel'' misuse

03 Sep, 2006

Following massive misuse of ''green channel'' facility at airports, the Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has ordered the customs officials to randomly check certain percentage of incoming passengers, to make the system more foolproof. In this regard, the Board issued instructions to all collectors of customs here on Saturday.
The directive has been issued as some instances of abuse of ''green channel'' facility were reported recently. For instance, a passenger, who arrived from Bangkok, was intercepted outside the airport by the staff of the Directorate General, Intelligence and Investigation, Customs and Excise. On checking the luggage, which was cleared by customs officials at the airport, over 2200 old and used mobile telephones were recovered.
CBR Member Customs Shahid Rahim Sheikh informed the collectors that abuse of the ''green channel'' facility was posing a professional challenge to customs. The officials at airports should accept this challenge and ensure that maximum facilitation is extended to bona fide passengers. On the other hand, customs must keep a vigilant eye on persons attempting to abuse the ''green channel'' facility.
All collectors should ensure implementation of ''green'' and ''red'' channels regime. The customs staff should not in any way abdicate their duty by adopting a resigned attitude, Member Customs said.
Under new instructions, the customs staff at airports must check ''some'' passengers availing the ''green channel'', based on profile, doubt and random selection. The baggage of passengers intercepted in the ''green channel'' should first be screened and, if warranted, be opened for examination. CBR Member Customs added that the instructions should be strictly followed at all airports.
Interestingly, the instructions have not specified any action against customs officials who are also involved in the abuse of green channel in connivance with the incoming passengers or ''khepias''.

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