Pakistans first transplant tower inaugurated at SIUT

15 Dec, 2016

KARACHI: Suleman Dawood transplant tower of SIUT the newly constructed 14 story-tall first-ever dedicated transplant facility in the country was inaugurated here on Wednesday evening.

Professor Faisal Shaheen, Director General of Saudi Center for Transplant, who came all the way from Saudi Arabia inaugurated, the new building.

Also present on the occasion were Ms. Laila Sarfraz, Ms. Zubeida Mustafa and Dr. Haroon Ahmed who are members of SIUT Board of Governors and Trust.

In his inaugural speech Prof. Shaheen who is a global known transplant physician paid compliments to Dr. Adib Rizvi, the director and founder of SIUT for setting up not only an institution like SIUT but also establishing a transplant centre.

He extended all out support from his country and institution for any assistance to SIUT.

He also discussed in detail about the deceased organ donation in the overall well-being of the mankind. He also discussed various aspects of deceased organ donation.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony prominent journalist and member of SIUT Board of Governor's Ms Zubeda Musatafa while expressing thanks on behalf of faculty, staff and trustees of SIUT said the example set up by Suleman Dawood family must be emulated for the well-being and betterment of people.

She said the generous donation of the family is in fact a confidence on the team of SIUT.

She also lauded the missionary zeal of Dr Adib Rizvi who by establishing an institution like SIUT and now a transplant tower of delicate organs is a mile stone in the medical and health care world of Pakistan.

Professor Adib Rizvi thanked the family of Suleman Dawood for generously helping and assisting SIUT in setting up not only a transplant centre but also assisting 100 station dialysis unit and full-fledged oncology ward.

He said the newly constructed centre will enhance the transplant activities in the country and role of SIUT.-Reuters

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2016

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