Interior Minister Aftab Ahmad Sherpao on Wednesday said that registration of about 95 percent madaris had been completed. Talking to PTV, he said there are about 12,00 madaris in Pakistan which are playing their role regarding the education and teaching facilities.
He said, registration is just to ensure that there are no misconceptions remain that terrorism or extremism is being promoted from the madaris. The government decided to register them and wanted that not only religious education is given to students but curricula should be such that after they pass out from madaris they could get jobs easily, he added.
Aftab Sherpao said, besides this, government is also keeping check that there should be no such material in the syllabus, which could promote extremism or terrorism and it would take action if they find any such material in any madaris.
"We want that all these madaris impart education in their limits", he added. He said, ministry of religious affairs is in close co-ordination with these madaris and overseeing them and keeping check on them. Aftab Sherpao said, there is no objection on madaris from any other country and government was taking decisions itself and it is not going to close them.