The Lahore High Court (LHC) has directed Inspector General of Punjab Police to submit his report about law and order situation in the province till October 26.
The court also directed the Chief Secretary to submit a detailed report and adjourned the proceedings in a petition filed by a member Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA) M.D. Tahir praying to the court to direct the respondents to maintain law and order situation in the province.
The court during course of proceedings on the last date of hearing had directed the respondents to appear before the court personally on October 4. Both the respondents appeared before the court and informed that the law and order situation in the province is under control. IG Police contended that they are taking steps to bring the situation under control. He said that they were lacking facilities but the government and private sector is also assisting us and we will now be able to improve the situation.
The Chief Secretary contended before the court that it is duty of the police to maintain the law and order in the province. Both the officials replied in negative when court asked them written report on steps taken to improve the law and order situation in the province. The court directed them to submit a detailed report by next date of hearing and rose for the day.
The petitioner contended that the respondents are responsible for maintaining law and order in the province but they failed to perform their obligations. He therefore, prayed to the court to direct the respondents to perform their duties in accordance with the law and maintain law and order situation in the province.