NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani said here on Wednesday that the provincial government was committed to promotion of Islamic banking, and added that the Bank of Khyber (BoK) was playing a key role in this regard.
He was talking to Bank of Khyber Managing Director Iqbal Ashraf, who called on him. He appreciated the outstanding performance of Bank of Khyber. The Chief Minister said that BoK was a great asset of the province and, for bringing improvement and betterment into it "we have to develop a common strategy".
He directed the Managing Director to invest in construction of commercial and profit earning buildings in Peshawar, Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu, Abbottabad and other big cities on government-owned land. He said that in this way the government lands would be utilised for profitable business. The BoK MD briefed the Chief Minister about performance of the bank.