The Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) said its eastern market indicator (EMI) rose 14 cents to 782 cents a kilogram clean at sales on Thursday. AWEX said its northern indicator at sales in Sydney rose 13 cents to 803c/kg, the southern indicator at sales in Melbourne rose 16 cents to 764c/kg, and the western indicator at sales in Fremantle rose 19 cents to 769c/kg.
In Sydney, 20 to 22.5 micron merino fleece increased by 20 cents, while 23 microns and coarser recorded some 20 to 40 cent jumps. Merino skirtings rose 20 to 30 cents with 3% Vegetable Matter types and less closing 30 cents dearer. In Melbourne, all micron and style groups of merino fleece made significant gains, with the 21 to 24.5 micron range gaining 30 to 40 cents.
Crossbreds across all micron ranges gained 5 to 10 cents and Cardings finished the day 5 to 10 cents dearer. In Fremantle, Merino fleece rose up to 33 cents, with 21-23 microns gaining 30 cents. Merino skirtings rose 10-15 cents across most types, with broader varieties favoured. Locks were about 5 cents dearer, with Crutchings and Lambs firm.
Of the 24,334 bales offered, 5.2 percent were passed in. Sales will resume in Melbourne on Tuesday (October 31), and in Sydney, and Fremantle on Wednesday (November 1).