CAA to implement required safety standards

03 Nov, 2006

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is currently working with international regulatory agencies to adopt and implement required standards to ensure safety of passengers and aircraft.
The authority, in conjunction with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of USA and the Joint Aviation Regulations (JAR) of Europe, has been adopting and implementing the required standards to ensure that "safety" is not compromised.
"It is perhaps for this reason that Pakistan maintains a very successful safety record. Its current drive for safety is aimed solely for public interest". From implementation of Health Safety Security and Environment (HSSE or HSE as it is commonly known) to ERP solutions, the Authority was moving forward towards greater heights.
As the air space was getting crowded with increased number of airlines and business jets, there was a constant requirement of reviewing and improving the safety requirements and standards all over the world including Pakistan.
In addition to regulatory functions, the Authority which develops and manages all 42 airports has been enhancing non-aeronautical revenues to pass on the benefits to airlines by not increasing its charges.-PR

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