Faysal Bank declares PLS profit rates

20 Jan, 2007

The Faysal Bank Limited has declared the rates of profit on PLS deposits for the period of six months ended December 31, 2006.

Saving Categories: July-Dec,2006 %p.a
Faysal Saving (Avg. Balance Rs 10,000) 0 to 1.50
Rozana Munafa Plus (Individual) - (Avg. Balance Rs 100,000) 0 to 2.85
Rozana Munafa Plus (Corporate) - (Avg. Balance Rs 500,000) 0 to 2.20
Rozana Munafa Plus (Financial Institutions) 0 to 1.75
Faysal Premium (Individual & Corporate) - (Avg. Balance Rs 5 M) 0 to 5.50
Faysal Premium (Financial Institutions) 0 to 1.75
Cash Management Savings Accounts 0 to 2.00

Notice/Term including Faysal Izafa and Faysal Izafa Plus deposits (Individuals & Corporates)

Min. balance Rs 25,000
Jul to Nov-19th Nov-20th to Dec
(For accounts opened after November 19, 2006)
7 days Notice 0.25 0.25
Tiers up to 100k to 50m++ up to Rs 100k to 50m++
RS. 100k 50m 100k 50m -
%p.a. %p.a. %p.a. %p.a. %p.a. %p.a.
1 Month 1.75 4.50 5.00 1.75 4.50 5.00
2 Months 2.00 4.75 5.50 2.00 4.75 5.50
3 Months 3.50 5.50 6.00 3.50 5.50 6.00
6 Months 4.00 6.75 6.75 4.00 6.75 6.75
1 Year 4.75 7.75 7.75 10.60 10.60 10.60
2 Years 5.50 8.50 8.50 10.75 10.75 10.75
3 Years 6.00 9.25 9.25 11.00 11.00 11.00
4 Years 7.15 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
5 Years 7.50 10.75 10.75 11.00 11.00 11.00

Minimum Balance Rs 500,000. Profit paid every 6 months at the following PA rates

Months %p.a.
6 months 7.50
12 months 7.90
18 months 8.30
24 months 8.70
30 months 9.10
36 months 9.50
42 months 9.90
48 months 10.30
54 months 10.70
60 months 11.10


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