For the shopkeepers encroachments of footpaths, roads are backed up by the Tehsil Administration in Attock city. A nominal fee is collected by the administration and footpaths, including roads, are encroached by petty shopkeepers who display their goods.
The encroachment extends up to five feet on either side of the main road which is about 20 ft wide. These roads are two-way traffic roads and hardly a rickshaw can pass in a single lane at places. These shopkeepers place empty crates to show the extent of their encroachment. No one to check! Wading through this mess is a problem for the pedestrians and the vehicular traffic.
This state of affairs had in the past been pointed out to the Tehsil Nazim but no remedial steps were taken. It is not fair for the administrative head to sit in his cozy office and get ok reports from the subordinates. He should come out to inspect and see things for himself.
The city is in shambles where sanitation, heaps of dirt, overflowing gutters, encroachments, presence of speed breakers, dilapidated roads are some areas that need immediate attention. The grass root level of governance has failed as there is no check by the authorities.
Will someone from the provincial government come and see the state of affairs prevailing in Attock city? There is nobody to check. They claim that Attock city will be Paris of Pakistan. This Paris is fast turning into a slum area of Birmingham, UK.