Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi here on Saturday meeting a Shia delegation led by Allama Hussain Akbar stated that provincial government had made foolproof arrangements during sacred month of Muharram-ul-Haram.
He told the delegation that law enforcement agencies had been put on high alert to handle any untoward situation during the month. He asked Ulema to remain united to thwart actions of nefarious elements to disturb situation in this month. He said unity was the required commitment that needs to be put as an example forward by religious leaders of all school of thoughts during this month.
The Chief Minister said that a crime management center had been established at provincial level to deal with any eventuality in Muharram. He further said that crime control centers at provincial and district levels would remain operational round the clock. He said 23 districts in Punjab have been classified as sensitive areas by provincial government. He said doctors and paramilitary staff had been put on emergency duties during the sacred month. He said that exhibition of weapon and distribution of parochial literature was totally prohibited in the month.