Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Sunday said Pakistan attaches greet importance to the investment made by Aga Khan Foundation in Pakistan in various sectors including tourism, banking and services. The Prime Minister was talking to Prince Karim Aga Khan when he met him here during his short stay on his way from Davos to Brussels.
Shaukat Aziz appreciating the investment made by Age Foundation said that it has created job opportunities promoted development and opened up new avenues for income generation.
The Prime Minister gave an overview of the economic development and measures taken by the government to promote investment through creating investment friendly atmosphere in the country. Age Khan appreciating the economic friendly policies of the government said these policies are encouraging local and foreign investors.
The Prime Minister also briefed Prince Age Khan about Pak-India composite dialogue process and progress made in this regard. He said President General Pervez Musharraf has floated some proposals in this regard including demilitarisation and some sort of joint management to ensure peace and stability in the region for the welfare of the people. Prince Karim Age Khan later hosted luncheon in honour of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and other members of the delegation.